at 20:00 on 23 March 2023 in room Mandalorian
Track: Mandalorian
Over the last few decades we’ve become pretty good at requesting information for our website via HTTP. But what if I want to push information to my website? Websockets is the tech quickly thrown on the table. And they are fine but a rather complex solution compared to a small unloved tech called “Server Send Events”. We’ll setup both solutions and force push to the browser like a Jedi master. You might want to kiss that wookie after all.
Growing up Chiel really loved two things: Cooking and Computers. He kept the former as a hobby and made a career out of the latter. Streamlining the delivery of software has been a big theme during his career. From the technical side by always improving delivery pipelines. From the Human side by always trying to improve the way a team works. His Favorite dish to cook is Roti.