Less is more - reduce $ and CO₂ to improve performance 🚀 and joy 🥳

Jan Ouwens   

In at 19:35 on 20 March 2025 in room Mandalorian

Track: Mandalorian

The IT sector is one of the top CO₂ emitters. As developers, we have the power to reduce the footprint of what we build. Doing that also saves you money, and it’s fun too! Fun? Yes, fun! Let me show you how!

Jan Ouwens

Jan is a senior developer, trainer and speaker at Yoink in the Netherlands; he is interested in back-end systems, functional programming and languages. He has worked in fields like banking, retail, law enforcement, transportation and electron microscopy, but he is perhaps best known for being the author of EqualsVerifier, a tool that rigourously tests Java’s equals method in a single line